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Writer's pictureDiane Shawe M.Ed

Why Guided Meditation Could Help Grow Your Business

Guided meditation and affirmations with visualised images are very popular on Youtube.

However Most videos are generated in Dollars and if you happen to trade in Sterling it can conflict with your meditation and believability.

Visualising in British Pounds will help Your Manifestation

Visualisation activates the creative powers of the subconscious mind, motivating it to work harder at creating solutions. If done correctly some people have noticed new levels of motivation and find themselves doing things that normally they would avoid, but that will take them closer to success.

Visualisation and affirmations can help you to change your beliefs, assumptions, and opinions about the most important person in your life — YOU! They allow you to harness the 18 billion brain cells in your brain and get them all working in a singular and purposeful direction.

Click to start Listening to our Guided Money Meditation on Youtube

Your subconscious will become engaged in a process that transforms you forever. This happens intensionally or unintensionally because the subconcious mind absorbs everything every waking and sleeping moments of your life.

The process is invisible and doesn’t take a long time. this is why it is important to put in the time to visualise and affirm by practicing your techniques, surround yourself with positive people, read uplifting books and listen to audio programs that flood your mind with positive, life-affirming messages.

Negative Thinking is the Enemy

It is no secret that negative thinking is part of almost everyone’s life.

For some reason, it seems it is easier to think negative thoughts, than to think positive thoughts. The mind and emotions are vast, it is true that people are not taught to think expecially at school, so people tend to flip flop between thoughts and emotions.

Unpleasant situations, problems and difficulties arise in everyone’s lives, and these events cause negative thinking.

Often, people are not very much aware of the thoughts they are thinking, and therefore, get easily immersed with negative thoughts and negative moods when listening to the news or to people talking about their problems. There is also a tendancy to gossip and gossip is almosy always negative.

It would be a good strategy to avoid negative discussion which can contribute to negative thinking though, in many cases, it is easier said than done.

So for instance when you decide to start some guided meditation there is often 3 choices. a) music only b) verbal affirmations c) visual/images (There is an agruement for silent meditation but this is not guided but may be personally accomplished privately or in a group)

a) Music: Often people will select a piece of music that either calms them, inspire or motivates them. If the music you come across grates on your nerves then it is unlikely that you will consider listening to it.

b) Verbal Affirmations: Words Matter and if the words you are hearing sound unbelievable then your subconcious mind and your inner self talk will start a negative debate about what you are listening too. So it is important that the verbal affirmation you select empowers your inner self, does not cause resistance or sounds unachievable.

c) Visual Images: Most of you would have heard the term ‘Create a vision board’ the purpose being to solidify the visual image into your subconcious mind everyday reinforcing your desires, dream or wish to come true. There are lots of Guided meditation videos on Youtube and the stats show that a high percentage of guided money meditations are listened to each day around the world.

However if you are british or european and your watching a guided money meditation in dollars there is instantly a conflict because the image does not fit your currency reality.

You will succeed in neutralising your efforts if you think positively about your goal for a few minutes, and have doubts or think about them negatively the rest of the day. So it is important to match your money mantra meditation with the currency you predominatly use every day, otherwise this is poor investment of your time, and is one of the main reasons why you are not getting results.

Meaningful Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation, Visualisation and Miracle Tones stimulate positivity which are essential components to focusing your intentions in a quiet moment to bring about change, bring you clients, bring you business, cashflow and business growth.

No matter your business, startup, not for profit, online business or charity, taking time out to clear your mind and focus on what you want to achieve with a clear vision can be very enlightening.

The brain is still a membrain that needs rest, need oxygen and the right minerals to support it. There is also lots of evidence to support that certain tones when listened to can stimulate deep into the brain. In this Guided Money Meditation, affirmations are powerful wrapped into the solfeggio tones and biennial beats with wads of british pounds tumbling towards you with a little added surprise.

You can watch and listen or just listen to this guided meditation anytime. To help you manifest your goals which will translate into money for your business try this guided money meditation in british pounds for 7 days. Do not use whilst driving.


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