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Short Courses Expert is about supplying accredited courses that can be completed in days not years to help  improve careers, employment prospects and small businesses throughout Europe.


Of course we have seen the influx of free online courses, and on the surface that might seemliuje a great deal  but employers, potential customers, suppliers, insurance companies, agencies and contractors want backed up third party evidence that full compliance and competent has been reached in a range of Soft Skills and Vocational Skills.  



There are few people who don’t want to continue improving their career, employment prospects and income levels, yet few people have not set out a long-term plan for advancing or improving their skills to impact on these areas.  Further more time is often of the essence and competition fierce.


However with diminishing prospects of holding unto a job until you retire, this has forced more and more people to explore developing multiple streams of income and this is where the taking of a soft skill courses can help establish and confirm their credentials.


Here we explain just how such courses are empowering, motivating and improving people’s lives and prospects.


Just what are soft skills?

Soft skills can be defined as a person’s emotional intelligence (EQ), or more loosely described as a person’s people skills (entailing traits such as communication, friendliness, entrepreneurial skills, rapport and social skills).

Improve your career prospects

One of the hottest debates in employment in recent years has been the argument around school leavers and graduates and how they may be badly prepared for the workplace. This epitomises the issue of soft skills and demonstrates just how important they are within any industry and on a daily basis.

A soft skills course ensures that otherwise inexperienced people can master the additional bolt on skills that form the backbone of the position in question but conversely, for the experienced worker soft skills are often an important missing piece when a worker has all the practical skills but lacks in confidence to take on new tasks like Social Media or Customer services relations.



Your long term job and advancing in your career

Whilst an employee can have all the ‘hard’ knowledge in the world in relation to technically performing their job, there is no position in existence where soft skills aren’t vital.

Advancing in one’s social and communicative skills can see you not only advancing in your career, but can actually open up areas of other positions that you previously hadn’t considered.


You may be wondering how these things are achieved through a course when students have full time jobs.

Well Short courses Experts  understand that their student’s have commitments (and not only of the work type, but the additional family commitments that can fill the remainder of a person’s day), so we’ve tailored 4 week courses that are bespoke to each and every student.

Additionally we produce the courses as a hard copy workbook because we think they are more practical and manageable and you can see your progress and go back easily to look up a topic.


We can also make the courses available through smart phones and mobile devices, allowing people to improve in their jobs whilst they’re on the bus, the train or wherever and whenever they can grab a spare 10 minutes provided they have broadband or internet access. All of our courses have been  globally accredited until 2030.

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Improving income levels through multiple income streams

For those with an entrepreneurial spirit soft skills can help them effectively put their plans into action which would help towards the success of their business. Not having regular work or finding work can be short of soul destroying.


Making a decision to become self employed can often be very trying especially if they don’t have all the necessary skills and tools to turn their dreams into a reality and build up their income streams. A properly constructed soft skills course empowers such individuals into achieving their dreams and becoming a far more driven and personable business person.


The Short Courses Experts Academy offer over 150 soft skills courses as workbooks SENT IN THE POST OR BY EMAIL . If you prefer the classroom environment, they they also offer intense fast track courses that can be done in 1, 2 or 3 days.


You can find out more about how they’re changing lives through innovative courses by downloading the Prospectus Through cost effective courses designed around the student they’re meeting the demands of even the busiest of student lives.


Oh and by the way all their courses are globally accredited by the IAO


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